How to Create A Top One Percent Of Google Ads

Google ads are likely the biggest advertising medium online, and they are important for any company that wants to get new customers.

The problem is most businesses create ads wrongfully.

And that’s why they’re not getting the results they like. In this article, you’re going to discover how to create a top 1% of Google ads that easily get clicked and generate sales.

So, are you ready to begin? If so, let’s dive in…

1. The Ad Must Make An OFFER

Example of a Google ad

Why should people bother clicking the ad? What’s in it for them? If your ad doesn’t clearly answer this question, then your ad is likely going to fail.

Your ad always needs to make an offer and clearly show the benefit that your dream customers are going to get from clicking it. And it needs to do it FAST.

The benefit should be desired by your dream customers and it should be the first thing they come across when they see the ad.

Also, to make the ad as effective as possible, NEVER talk about yourself. Always talk about them. Always.

When you say or write “We’ve done this or that” more than you talk about what it has done for them, then you’re going to get bad results.

Focus on them and always make an offer.

2. Add A Call To Action

Ok, so you want people to take action. You want them to click, right? Guess what they’re going to do on their own? Nothing.

You need to tell them to click. If you don’t most people will just scroll past the ad without doing anything. Why?

They won’t know what to do. If you don’t tell people to take action, they won’t. Simple.

Always add a call to action in the ad. And remember, you sell the click, not the product. Don’t tell them to buy. Tell them to find more, click, whatever.

You will have more space to persuade them to buy later.

3. Show A Domain Or Logo

So, this one is really interesting…

Almost nobody knows this but those who don’t click the ad still consume it. And people change their minds, a lot.

When you display your logo or domain on the ad, those who didn’t click can search for you later, and you will get a lot of this “shadow” traffic back to the sales funnel.

Isn’t that amazing?

All you need to do is display the logo or domain like I did in the ad I showed as an example above.

It’s simple.

When your ad does these 3 things its click-through rate is going to go through the roof.

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